Özgür Esentepe


I am a postdoctoral fellow in the Institut für Mathematik at the University of Graz. I am interested in commutative algebra and representation theory. In particular, I like maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules and singularity categories.

Before coming to Graz, I was an EPSRC Research Fellow at the University of Leeds within the representation theory group. Before that, I was a postdoc at the University of Connecticut and I received my PhD from the University of Toronto under the supervision of Ragnar-Olaf Buchweitz. There I was a member of the Homological Methods Seminar and it shaped my research interests: representation theory, commutative algebra, homological algebra etc. After Ragnar passed away, I started working with Graham Leuschke while staying officially as a graduate student at the University of Toronto under the supervision of Joel Kamnitzer. I was an organizer of UCGEN and I used to live at AdIMOM.

Contact. You can contact me using this or emailing me at ozgur.mylastname@uni-graz.at.

  1. Auslander-Reiten annihilators
    Preprint: Arxiv link
  2. Annihilators and decompositions of singularity categories with Ryo Takahashi
    Proceedings of the Edinburgh Mathematical Society (link) to appear.
  3. An Alexandrov topology on the category of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules with Mert Akdenizli, Bilal Aytekin, Baran Cetin
    Journal of Pure and Applied Algebra (link) 2024.
  4. A note on the global dimension of shifted orders
    Algebras and Representation Theory (link) 2024.
  5. The cohomology annihilator of a curve singularity
    Journal of Algebra (link) (arxiv link) 2020.

