Adequate Institute of Mediocre and Outstanding Mathematics

About us | Past Seminars | Conference

On May 9 - 10, approximately twenty of us will gather online and spend the weekend talking about mathematics. We expect there to be nine talks over Saturday and Sunday. We will live video of food, coffee, tea and snacks in rich abundance, with a live scone-baking demonstration you are all invited to follow. If you share our philosophy and passion for mathematics, you are invited to join us for our fourth conference at AdIMOM.

For questions please email homemadeseminar [at] gmail [dot] com

In preparation for the lecture on scones, please assemble the following ingredients .


Zoom meeting ID:99099974678

Previous conferences

2019 conference

2018 conference

2017 conference

Invited Speakers

Schedule (with further details about Sunday to come soon)

9:30-10:00 Welcome
10:00-11:00 Özgür Esentepe (abstract) (video)
11:00-11:30 Tea Break
11:30-12:30 Ben Briggs (abstract) (video)
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Hannah Keese (abstract) (video)
15:30-16:30 Tea and fresh scone break
16:30-17:30 Leonid Monin (abstract) (video)
17:30-18:30 Anton Izosimov (abstract) (video)
18:30-19:30 Discussions
19:30:-20:00 Dinner
20:00:-23:30 Reception
9:30-10:00 Welcome
10:00-11:00 Nikita Klemyatin (abstract) (video)
12:30-14:30 Lunch
14:30-15:30 Eduard Duriev (abstract) (video)
15:40-17:20 Balazs Elek (abstract) (video)
17:20-17:50 Tea Break
17:50-18:50 Ehsaan Hossain (abstract) (video)
18:50-20:00 Discussions


Speaker: Ben Briggs
Date: May 9, 2020
Title: How to recognise Complete intersection maps Categorically
I'll talk about how
Derived categories work
And all that yoga

Then I will explain
How complete intersections
Work with this structure

One consequence is
Avramovs theorem about
Factoring C.I.s

Speaker: Özgür Esentepe
Date: May 9, 2020
Title: Happel's theorem
Abstract: In the first half of this talk, I will talk about two different notions of Cohen-Macaulay modules over an order (a Cohen-Macaulay algebra) over a Cohen-Macaulay local ring. The special case where these two notions coincide is the case of Gorenstein orders. Gorenstein orders are akin to self-injective algebras in that they -as a module over themselves- are injective objects in the category of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules. In the second half of this talk, I will talk about a theorem of Happel which says that the bounded derived category of a self-injective algebra of finite global dimension is triangle equivalent to stable category of graded modules over its trivial extension algebra. I will try to convince you that this theorem holds for orders of finite global dimension over Cohen-Macaulay local rings, as well, if one looks at the stable category of maximal Cohen-Macaulay modules over the trivial extension order.

Speaker: Nikita Klemyatin
Date: May 10, 2020
Title: Dolbeault cohomology of compact complex manifolds with an action of a complex Lie group
Abstract: In the theory of differential manifolds one can prove the following fact: for any manifold M with an action of connected Lie group G the induced action on de Rham cohomology groups is trivial. However, this is not true for complex manifolds and Dolbeult cohomology groups, even the action of the Lie group is holomorphic. However, we can prove the similar fact for hermitian manifolds, if we add some very mild assumptions. More precisely, let G be a complex Lie group acting on a compact complex Hermitian manifold M by holomorphic isometries. We prove that the induced action on the Dolbeault cohomology and on the Bott-Chern cohomology is trivial. We also apply this result to compute the Dolbeault cohomology of Vaisman manifolds.

Speaker: Leonid Monin
Date: May 9, 2020
Title: Inversion of matrices, C^* action on Grassmanian and the space of complete quadrics.
Abstract:In my talk I will explain how to invert a matrix using a torus action on Grassmanian and how all of this is related to the classical enumerative problems about quadrics in P^n.

Speaker: Anton Izosimov
Date: May 9, 2020
Title: The pentagram map and Poncelet polygons
Abstract: Let P be a planar pentagon, and let P' be the pentagon whose vertices are the intersection points of diagonals of P. Then a classical result due to Clebsch says that P and P' are projectively equivalent (i.e. there is a projective transformation taking P to P'). In 2007, R. Schwartz generalized this result to Poncelet polygons, i.e. polygons which are simultaneously inscribed in a conic and circumscribed about another conic (clearly, any pentagon has this property, so Poncelet polygons can be regarded as "generalized pentagons"). Namely, Schwartz proved that if P is a Poncelet polygon with odd number of vertices, and P' is the polygon whose vertices are the intersection points of shortest diagonals of P (i.e. diagonals connecting second nearest vertices), then P and P' are projectively equivalent. In the talk, I will argue that in the convex case this property characterizes Poncelet polygons. In other words, if P is a convex odd-gon which is projectively equivalent to its “diagonal” polygon P', then P (and hence P') is a Poncelet polygon. The proof is based on the theory of commuting difference operators, as well as on properties of real elliptic curves and theta functions.

Speaker: Hannah Keese
Date: May 9, 2020
Title: Variations on a theme of Schubert
Abstract: In 1879, Hermann Schubert published the celebrated "Kalkül der abzählenden Geometrie" ("Calculus of Enumerative Geometry"), wherein he considered questions of the following form: "How many geometric objects of a given type fulfil certain given conditions?" For example: how many lines intersect four given general lines in (projective) 3-space? The method used to solve this counting problem and others like it in enumerative geometry is known as Schubert calculus. I will begin with the theme: a historical look at Schubert Calculus As Schubert Did It, before moving on to more modern variations of the calculus, potentially explaining why the number 5 819 539 783 680 is interesting along the way.

Speaker: Eduard Duriev
Date: May 10, 2020
Title: Counting meanders, ribbons and squares on surfaces
Abstract: TBA

Speaker: Ehsaan Hossain
Date: May 10, 2020
Title: Large Recurrence in Algebraic Dynamics
Abstract: Define a recursive orbit $z_n := \varphi_c(z_{n-1})$ with $z_0=0$, where $\varphi_c(z)=z^2+c$ is a ``generic'' quadratic over a field of characteristic zero. How often is $z_n=0$? This is the $1$-dimensional, quadratic version of the far-reaching Dynamical Mordell--Lang Problem, which states that if $z_n=0$ for infinitely many $n$, then $z_n=0$ periodically. So for example, you can't have $z_n=0$ iff $n$ is prime --- that would be ludicrous! This problem has exciting resolutions in higher-dimensional cases, \textit{e.g.} orbits of surface endomorphisms, or automorphisms of any variety. But DML is still open in its full generality. We present a solution when $z_n=0$ for ``too many'' $n$, where ``too many'' is interpreted in various Ramsey-theoretic senses. This will lead us down the rabbit hole of ergodic theory, ultrafilters, and the wonderful Poincar\'{e} Recurrence Theorem.

Speaker: Balazs Elek
Date: May 10, 2020
Title: The Borel Fixed Point Theorem and some applications
Abstract: The Borel Fixed Point Theorem says that a solvable group acting on a proper variety has a fixed point. After explaining what these words mean and proving the theorem, we will explore some applications in geometry and representation theory.